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    08:06 PM Mar 05


We are mad stoked that today is NEW RELEASE DAY!!!

We couldn’t be happier to be part of the launch of the “Short-Brain” EP from Chicago pop-punks The Fur Coats on green 7″ vinyl and digital download in cahoots with Drunken Sailor Records (UK) and Rad Girlfriend Records (USA).

[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=1450448027 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]


The record contains four tracks of bouncy, uplifting melodic punk rock like Naked Raygun/Buzzcocks/Smoking Popes and comes on translucent green vinyl with digital download, full colour artwork from WOLF MASK, lyric sheet and MTAT sticker!


We’ll have copies of the record along with some new distro stock at the shows this weekend, starting with Gab De La Vega / Paper Rifles / Lachance / THT at Cerberus Bar tonight and Andrew Jackson Jihad / Hard Girls / Murderburgers / Terrafraid at Buskers tomorrow. Season Ticket holders will be able to collect their copies from the merch table at either show.

E-Tickets for AJJ will be available HERE until noon on Saturday so grab one if ye want to save a couple o quid otherwise it’ll be a tenner on doors.

Busy weekend all round!




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